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Sunday, March 19, 2017

Letters to Bug-Week 27-Officially a Name


Good morning sweet Eli!

Mama is still working on using your real name so that when you come, you will know your name and not just your nickname! Although I suppose I am only halfway there, because I still refer to you as Eli which is a nickname. Your dad and I have chosen to name you Elijah Joseph, after three very important people in the Bible. Elijah, who could arguably be considered the greatest profit of the Old Testament, is such a great man. His story is absolutely fantastic and his reliance on God when everybody around him was relying on the world and false gods, is amazing. As your dad and I have been trying to decide if this is going to be here for sure name, this week's lunch hour ministry talk on the radio that mam listens to daily, has been the story of Elijah and it just solidifies for me that this name is perfect for you. Your dad and I always knew that you would come into our life, there's no way to explain it. It was almost like a prophecy from God. Science was telling us no, this world was telling us that it wasn't going to happen, but we relied on God and knew that you were coming into our life. Elijah had to do the same and he faced some pretty tough times! I hope that you learn to rely on God the same as Elijah did in his time.

Your middle name, Joseph, is shared by your dad and he is really excited about that. There are also two very very very important Joseph's in the Bible. The first Joseph is best known due to a guy named Danny Osmond and a musical put together by Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber. Mr. Weber and Mr. Rice created a play called Joseph and the amazing Technicolor dream coat, after the story in the Bible about Joseph. But the play doesn't even begin to get into the depths that is the story of Joseph. Joseph, like a Elijah, had a really really tough life at times. He had to endure being thrown in prison for nothing literally, hated by all of his brothers because he was his dad's favorite, sold in to slavery due to that hatred, and had a multitude of other things happened to him that we're really not his fault. I suppose you could argue some of it may have been his fault because he was a little prideful and arrogant, but he was also human too. He also had to rely on God during these hard times and it would've been super easy to believe that God had forsaken him or that something else was at work. It would've been super easy, as he has a very happy ending, to believe that it was all of his own power. But he gives all of the glory and all of the blessings back to God, because he knows that's where they came from. Joseph kept upstanding morals and reliance on God, something I hope we can teach you sweet Eli. 

The other Joseph in the Bible, plays such a significant role in Christianity, and yet I think he sometimes gets overlooked as just a supporting actor or something like that. You see, Joseph was Jesus's Earth dad. He didn't have a biological connection to Jesus, because Jesus was God and didn't have a biological Earth dad. But you see, in the time that Jesus came, if Mary would have had him and not have been married to Joseph, there's a good chance she could've been killed or that Jesus could've been killed as a baby due to laws and customs. When you think about it, by Joseph following God's plan, he kind of made sure that Jesus could be born and live and save the world. Joseph had his doubts as well, and at first tried to respectfully walk away and not shame Mary. Right there, is a huge leap of respect and Faith to not out her. But then after listening to God, he not only did not disrespect her, he married her! And by marry her, and allowed her to carry and take care of and provide for baby Jesus. The rest of the Jesus story I will make sure you know I was your girl. But this very early beginning, is often overlooked. For without Joseph, Jesus could have been in some big trouble! God always has a plan, and well Joseph was the plan! 

So that is where your name comes from Mr. Elijah "Eli" Joseph Humphrey,! Such a strong and powerful name for a miracle little baby.

Here we are at 27 weeks, third tri or just about third tri depending on who you ask or what app you open! Your movements are getting so much stronger and I can feel you every day. It is never lost on me when I get to feel you move inside and I always have to stop and just enjoy! The app say that you are about 15 inches long and a little over 2 pounds. You are apparently the size of a very long cucumber or the worlds smallest box. It also appears that you have the most taste buds you will ever have in your entire life right now. More than when you are born and more than you will have as an adult! I am so excited to let you try all kinds of different foods when you are older, and I really hope that you share the same love for certain foods that your dad and I have, and a love for trying new and exotic foods and traveling the world and enjoying culture that way!

Well sweet Bug that is all for today. We love you and we are counting down the days until your arrival!



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