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Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Letters to Bug-Week 15


Hey Bug! 

Today was a fun day! Your dad and I couldn't go any longer without seeing you, so we did another elective ultrasound. This time we got to see you looking like a little frog with your feet moving around just as if you were a little frog kiddo. We also got to see you waving and hand being by your face! We were able to take video and loved every minute! We also got to hear the wonderful sound of that heartbeat! It is so much fun and I can't wait till I can see you every single day! Oh do I look forward to the day when I get to see you every single day and can't imagine a day that I wouldn't want to look at your beautiful little face!

We are at a weird point in pregnancy. Not a lot is happening on the outside or for the world to see, but there is still tons happening on the inside that nobody even realizes! From the outside, it's kind of a boring point in time. After the scares in the beginning, I will totally take calm and boring! But on the inside, you have so much happening and it amazes me every day to think about the amount of work your little body is doing to prepare for the outside world!

According to the apps, you are about the size of an apple or a navel orange. You are about 4 inches bag and weighing in at 2 1/2 ounces! Your growth is astounding to me. Every week, I am amazed to see how much you have grown from the week before! They say that you are starting to get hiccups, all your limbs and joints are moving, and your body is becoming proportional! It is so funny to think that just a few weeks ago your head made up half if not more of your body, and now it accounts for a third or less! Just 6 to 7 weeks ago, you didn't even have arms or legs, and now your legs are longer than your arms and their accounting for a good portion of your body! 

Love you little Bug, 


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