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Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Letters to Bug-Week 14


Hola Bug!!!

I have been spending a lot of time lately dreaming about you and thinking about you and thinking about our future. Our family loves to travel and once you come, there will be no exception. Our goal is to see the world and we can't wait to share that with you! We have already talked about how fun it will be to get you a passport and how you will have that passport for five years. If you get a passport when you are just a baby, I don't even know how they can use it for identification when you are 3, 4, or 5 years old!! The rules are silly. We have put a lot of our traveling on hold for these last couple of years working on adding you to our family, but we hope that we are able start our travels again!!!! 

This was another week of just hanging out and relaxing. Sleep is starting to get a bit harder but overall I am LOVING every Single minute of every single day with you. Even the times when I'm not feeling 100% or sleep is hard to come by, I am so thankful for it. Because every little thing that reminds me that you are with me, is a blessing for me. I may not feel this way if things were really rough or difficult, but I am grateful for all the symptoms right now. Especially because we are in a weird place where it feels like it has been forever since we have seen you and yet that is a good thing because it means things are going well! I love having you in my tummy and knowing you are safe and taken care of in there. This world is a crazy world bug, but I can keep you safe in my belly right now!

According to the apps, you are about 3.3 inches long, where about 1.5 ounces, or a roughly the size of a peach or beet! It says that you may begin sucking your thumb this week and I love envisioning that picture of you! It also says that your kidneys, liver, and spleen are pretty much fully functioning. But they still need to grow big, as does the rest of you! It also says that your body is now becoming covered with hair that you may or may not have when you were born. Apparently this hair is to help you stay warm and protected, and if you are anything like your mama, you may need two or three layers to stay warm!

The apps also say that hunger may become a big thing for me. But so far appetite is not really a thing for me. I continue to remind myself to only eat the things that are good for you, and to make wise choices with my eating decisions! If you want a hint at how much I love you, I have given up caffeine which means no more White mochas or caffeinated sodas for me! I did this at the beginning of my pregnancy so that you could have the best environment possible when you joined! I am very happy to say that we have officially made it three months with very minimal caffeine! It is hard to give up chocolate so I still sneak some of that here and there! Maybe my appetite will pick up in the coming weeks, but for now I just keep focusing on staying healthy for you! In case you haven't figured it out, I kind of love you a lot!

Love always, 


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