Good morning sweet baby bug! Every week it amazes me that we are as far as we are, but for some reason, this week really amazes me that we are here. I can't believe that you have been a part of our lives for 18 weeks! Things are starting to get real around our house! We have started to clean out the room that will be your nursery and trying to decide if we are going to rearrange the whole house for you! We just want everything to be perfect for your arrival, and we are excited for that arrival!
According to the apps, you are getting quite tall! You are around 5 1/2 inches and between five and 6 ounces! Apparently this is about the size of an artichoke or sweet potato, but I am starting to feel like it is all kind of a weird comparison! It says that your bones are starting to harden now, specifically your collarbone and leg bones! I can't believe all that you're doing inside of me right now!! It also says that the bones in your ears are forming and you can hear when I talk or sing, I'm glad that I am the only voice you hear so that you don't know how bad my singing is! I have really enjoyed singing in church and in the car and whenever music comes on knowing that you can hear me. I can't wait to sing nursery songs to you and my favorite Christian songs and your dad is really looking forward to singing all of the country songs!!! You will have so much exposure to music, it would not surprise me if you became a musician!
We have also started to plan your gender reveal party for you! We are excited to find out if you are a little boy or little girl. Hopefully it will help us pick out a name, because we have also been looking at those too!!
Well little bug, that is all I have for you today! Just know that you are thought about it and talked about and loved every single day! Counting down the days to your arrival, but like I always tell you, take your time and don't come too soon! We love you little bug!
Mommy and daddy

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