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Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Letters to Bug-Week 10


Well hello my little bug,

Apparently the skill you are learning this week is independence. We must start working on listening to mommy better, because last week I told you no more anxiety. But it appears that you have your own agenda already! On Wednesday we had a bit of a scare and the only Silver lining to having scares is we get extra ultrasounds to see you. But I do have to admit, this was probably one of the coolest ultrasounds because in just over a week you have gone from a glow worm to a baby! Last week we saw your tiny little hand waving and what look like you body surfing, but this week, you look like a tiny human baby! Two legs and two arms and a had a body!!! It was absolutely amazing to see you at only 9 1/2 weeks big and there is no doubt, you are a fully developed human, and looking fully there!

Today was also a big week because we bought ornaments to celebrate your arrival in our family. Ornaments are a very special thing to me, and every year we buy an ornament for whoever lives in our house. Well, whoever lives in our house and wants an ornament! This year our ornament got to include you! We were so excited to pick out our ornament because we have been looking forward to this for three long Christmases! Every year that we have been praying for you to join our family, I have longingly looked at the ornaments and hoped that one day we would be buying one. Will guess what bug, this week we did it!!!! 

You are still a daily thought on my mind, and I can't ever think that I could love you anymore, but every day I do. Every day I think about you and my heart just continues to grow and grow and grow. I can't even imagine what God's love is like for us, but if it is anything near my love for you, it is absolutely amazing. But the thing is bug, I know God's love for me, and you, and your dad, and everybody on this planet is even greater than my love for you. I can't even comprehend a love like that but I know a little closer to how much God loves us. So just know that God loves you so much and I can only show you a fraction of how much you are loved by him. 

This week, the apps say that you are the size of a kumquat. Here is a little known fact, my absolute favorite word and fruit is kumquat. I don't know when it started, but I love saying that your brother Chase's name is quat, and then I will say come quat. It is a funny little joke in our family and so this week has extra fun meaning for me. But realistically speaking, I don't actually like the flavor of kumquats but I love the joke behind it. The apps go on to say that you are a little over an inch big and it's still only about a quarter of an ounce! But apparently the most crucial development is already done! Your tissue and organs and systems are in place. You are learning to swallow and you are kicking and moving around. You are for sure moving around, we saw that! They also say that you are growing tiny little fingernails and toenails. And that your arms and legs can now bend. How cool is all of this! Every little piece comes together at just precisely the right time and place. Watching the developments happen through the app for you is further proof that God has a perfect plan. I mean, let's be real, if I was developing a baby, I will probably forget to make your limbs bend because I wouldn't even think of such small details. But God cares about every detail in your body and put everything exactly where it supposed to be.

If you haven't figured it out bug, I love you so much! Until next week,



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