Week one-9/1/2016
Hello future little ones,
This is your mom, it's so weird to say that. We are starting this journey together to hopefully our future family. I have never written letters before the start of a cycle, because I never knew how the cycle would go. And I have no idea how our journey will go, but what I do know, is you two are already precious to us and we can't wait to bring you into our family.
This week has been filled with different medications and things to get my body ready for you to be put inside and hopefully stay there for the next nine months! Your dad and I are so hopeful for you both and have already started planning futures for you both but I won't lie, I am also afraid that we won't get to know you until Heaven either. This cycle, as has this journey been, a complete reliance on God.
We are counting down the days until we get to see you and have just purchased our plane tickets! We are so so very excited for this next step and cannot wait until we are together! You are our little Frosty's and soon you will be part of our family officially! It is just so crazy to think of how far we have come and how close we are to meeting you!
So for now, I will just continue to take all the different medications every day and know that every single time I take something, it is making my body perfect for you! We love you already little ones and we will meet soon!
Our daily med schedule:
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