Good morning good morning sweetie Eli!
35 weeks, we are already to 35 weeks! The time is going by at warp speed and I just want everything to slow down. I have realized that our time as just the two of us is coming to an end quickly and it makes me sad in a lot of ways. My favorite thing is to feel you moving inside of me and to be able to talk to you all day every day. I love that I can take you everywhere and you are always with me physically. To stop and think that in just a few short weeks, this won't be the case, is a little sad. I am more happy and joyful to have you on the outside and then I am sad, but it would be unfair to not speak of those feelings too.
Your dad and I have spent the last week or so getting your nursery completely done. Mom just has a few tasks left, like washing all your clothes and diapers and bottles, and cutting off the tags before she washes them on all of your new clothes! Dad's to do list in your room is also getting shorter! The only thing he has left to do is hang your curtains and hang a few decorations on your wall. Otherwise, your room is done! It is pretty much the only done room in our house! We have also really realize how short of a time it is between now and when you come! We need to get your car seat out and set up in our cars, and set your stroller up!
Mom starts her twice a week appointments this week to make sure that everything is going OK with you. Normally, I would only be going once a week, but because of the gestational diabetes we get to go twice! Listening to your little heart and seeing you on the ultrasound will never get old. I absolutely love it. It makes me that much more excited to see how you grow and think about you all look like on the outside!
The app say that you are basically all done growing in length and you will continue to gain about an ounce a day or roughly half a pound a week until just before you were born. That is a lot of weight to gain for a little baby! I know you can do it! Mom is also working to make sure that you only get a good healthy foods so that you have everything you need for a strong healthy body! Five weeks to go and then I will be working on giving you everything you need on the outside!
Well Mr. bug, that is it for today! Know that mommy and daddy love you very much and we literally talk about you every single day. There isn't a day that goes by where we don't mention a hope or dream or a plan or a wish or something for you or about you! Our house is starting to look like a baby will be there soon and that's because you will! Love you baby bug!
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