Hello my sweet baby bug!
We are officially in our last week of the month! I can't believe that next week we will be hitting 75% of the way to meeting you! It has been quite a week Bug. This week has been a very scary week and a week of trying to understand and knowing that we can't always understand God's plan. There was a major tragedy that happened in our community, and many good lives were lost for no understandable reason. It has shaken your mama to the core and made me question a lot of things. They say that God has a plan for everything, and I just don't think that I will know the plan on this side of heaven for the events that took place this week. It also makes me very nervous for you to come into this world where even every day tasks and routines can be shaken up. I wish that I could keep you protected forever, but I know that that is just not possible. So I will do the best that I can to make sure that you're protected and safe, while also teaching you to be smart and savvy about the world around you. I want you to know and be educated on so many things, but I never thought I would have to educate you on safety from violence like this. I just rely on God to know that there must be something greater.
Time for some good news!!! We had our 28 week appointment and you are measuring perfectly and we got to hear that tiny little heartbeat! We also got to ask the doctor dozens of questions so that we can make the most informed decisions around your birth! Unfortunately, I also found out that I have just gestational diabetes. This has been a pretty big shock for me, because I have been eating so well for you and making sure that you have all your nutrients and avoiding things that would be harmful for you like caffeine, coffee, and even lunch meat! Your dad and I have been doing a ton of research and we are ready to do whatever we need to to make sure that you are healthy and strong and safe. We are also working to make sure you grow bag, but not too big apparently, due to this new information. We have learned that there is nothing we could have done to prevent this and it is just part of our journey to meeting you!!!
Next week we will go in for a follow up visit and meeting with a nutritionist to learn exactly what we need for you so that everything goes well. It looks like the first 12 weeks of your life were filled with mama giving herself shots so that you would have everything you need and stay in mama's belly and grow bag. The last 12 weeks will be filled with needles again, but this time I will be taking blood it to check multiple times a day and ensure that you aren't getting too much glucose and growing too big! It's kind of ironic when you stop and think. So here we are, onto our next adventure!
Next week we will go in for a follow up visit and meeting with a nutritionist to learn exactly what we need for you so that everything goes well. It looks like the first 12 weeks of your life were filled with mama giving herself shots so that you would have everything you need and stay in mama's belly and grow bag. The last 12 weeks will be filled with needles again, but this time I will be taking blood it to check multiple times a day and ensure that you aren't getting too much glucose and growing too big! It's kind of ironic when you stop and think. So here we are, onto our next adventure!
According to the apps, you are somewhere between 15 and 17 inches long and about 2 1/2 pounds! Every week, when I see the numbers, I am just amazed at how big and how fast you're growing! They say you are the size of a Rollerblade or butternut squash or A large cabbage! They also say that your job right now is just to put on fat that will help regulate your body temperature. It is also said that you can respond to stimuli around you such as noises, lights, movement, etc.! How exciting! There is also a high chance that you are able to dream at this point, but I am not really sure what your dreams must consist of. So for now I will just say sweet dreams baby bug and see you in just a few short months!
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